You can find my full articles on my Google Scholar profile
Selected Publications
| Logic-Geometric learning and Control Using Graph of Tensor Networks, Teng Xue, Amirreza Razmjoo, Suhan Shetty, and Sylvain Calinon. Workshop at Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS).
| Logic-Skill Programming: An Optimization-based Approach to Sequential Skill Planning, Teng Xue, Amirreza Razmjoo, Suhan Shetty, and Sylvain Calinon. Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS).
| Configuration Space Distance Fields for Manipulation Planning, Yimming Li, Xuemin Chi, Amirreza Razmjoo, and Sylvain Calinon. Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS). (Best paper Finalist)
| D-LGP: Dynamic Logic-Geometric Program for Combined Task and Motion Planning Teng Xue, Amirreza Razmjoo, and Sylvain Calinon. Proc. IEEE Intl Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
| Learning Robot Geometry as Distance Fields: Applications to Whole-body Manipulation Yimming Li, Yan Zhang, Amirreza Razmjoo, and Sylvain Calinon. Proc. IEEE Intl Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
| Learning Joint Space Reference Manifold for Reliable Physical Assistance Amirreza Razmjoo , Tilen Brecelj, Kristina Savevska, Aleš Ude, Tadej Petrič, and Sylvain Calinon. In Proc. IEEE Intl Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).
| A geometric optimal control approach for imitation and generalization of manipulation skills Boyang Ti, Amirreza Razmjoo, Yongsheng Gao, Jie Zhao, and Sylvain Calinon. Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS).
| Optimal Control Combining Emulation and Imitation to Acquire Physical Assistance Skills Amirreza Razmjoo, T. S. Lembono, and Sylvain Calinon. Proc. IEEE Intl Conf. on Advanced Robotics (ICAR).